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Monday 25 March 2013

Wedding planning - Study at home

Wedding planning course

  I think it is one of the most rewarding jobs that there is. Being a wedding planner... being able to see the joy on the face of the bride when she walks down the isle.... being the person that will help make her dreams come true for her wedding day!

Just think about it - most girls will dream their whole life about their wedding day. They will first start to play weddings with their friends, when they are older - they will start dreaming about prince charming and the beautiful wedding dress that goes with that.

That’s not all... add to that the fact that you will be the person that will need to organize the day to the most final details - from the cake, the dress, the honeymoon, the reception to name a few. Think about all the human emotions that flow at a wedding. Mother in law and the bride, mother in law with the bride’s mom - I can not count how many times me or my staff had to help make peace between two warring factions! But it is all in a days work.

If you think a wedding planner is just sitting behind her computer and organizing the wedding - think again! You will have to know about the latest trends in the wedding industry, you will have to be able to advise the client what is the best way to go about with their budget and you will have to know how to make the best with the money that the bride have available for her dream day!

I always say that it is not difficult to make a dream come true with a budget of R200 000.00. What makes you a GREAT wedding planner is if you can take a small budget of a bride and groom and STILL make their wedding day a huge success!

Come and learn the tricks of the trade!

ECTA Creative Solutions have just launched their Wedding Planning Correspondence course! 

Enroll in April 2013 and get the course for R2500 instead of the normal R3500.

For more info: contact our office at 0218560163 or go to our website:

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